Question I will visitVietnamfrom 24.12.2011 to 07.01.2012. Iwould like to know if a Visa on Arrival is available. I will arriveVietnaminHanoi. Can you let je know how much it will cost in total for three person. Kind Rgds. Semih …
Arriving by cruise ship.
Question Do I have to get a visitor visa before I arrive by cruise ship?  Answer Dear William B. Kane, Thank you for your question! Please inform that you must apply for yourVietnamvisa in advance. In your case, you are suggested…
letter of approval
Question I have received the e-mail for the letter of approval for my brother and his friend. I will print it. Is it OK if it is in black and white or does it have to be in color? Thank-you…
my vietname visa is from the 24th december 2011 but i would like to go to vietnam on the 16th december- do i need a new visa?
Question my vietname visa is from the 24th december 2011 but i would like to go tovietnamon the 16th december- do i need a new visa?  Answer Dear Greg, Thank you for contacting us! Please be kindly informed that visa dates…
Visa processing
Question Hi, If I apply for the online visa on arrival well in advance, will it be valid from the time I get it processed or from the time I get toHanoifrom air? Answer Dear Matt, Thank you for contacting…
What would you like to ask?
Question I am going to travel toVietnamat the end of this year. It will be the first time if I travel to there. By looking on internet I found out the visa service. It is very cheap compared the fee…
Length of visa
Question I am planning to fly to HCMC on 4th Feb, the next day i fly to Siem Reap and then I travel by bus back to HCMC arriving in HCMC on 9th Feb. I will stay inVietnamtill 24th Feb.…
visa requirement & the period of validity for the passport
Question We would like to ask you 2 questions. 1) will you please let us know if tourist visa will be required for FRENCH people. The below is our itinerary. [ Itinerary ] by Vietnam Airlines DEC.20 (TUE) Narita 09:30…
I would like to know if dutch citizens requires visa to visit Vietnam?
Question My housban is going to visitVietnamand he works for an international NGO, I would like to know if he needs visa? We are living inHonduras,Central Americaand I would like to know where is located the most close Vietnam Embassy?…
Do you handle visa requests for german citizens too?
Question I’m living inCanadabut I’m german citizen. I want to travel to vietnam and I wonder if I can use your service to obtain the document for receiving a visa at the arrival airport inVietnamor is it only for canadiens?…