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What would you like to ask?
Updated: 01:00 AM - 04 Mar,2025
I am going to travel to Vietnam at the end of this year. It will be the first time if I travel to there. By looking on internet
I found out the visa service. It is very cheap compared the fee at Vietnam Embassies. Because of that, I had a little
doubt then I decided to come to a Vietnamese Embassy in a European country to make sure if I could get my visa
by the service. A staff of the Embassy said that the company doing the service was an imposter. Some my friends
supposed that it was a competition. Now I am very confused and I don’t know what to do now. With the cheap fee
everyone wants to use your service. Do you think you should do something to make public confidence?
Dear Nicola,
Thank you so much for your concern !
We would like to inform you that you can either apply for visa at Vietnam Embassy or apply for visa online. In case
you apply for visa online, you will receive a visa approval letter via email which is processed by Vietnam Immigration
and this document allows you to enter Vietnam aiport, finally get stamped visa there. Then how can visa online is
illigal or invaluable ? Furthermore, about the service fee, please inform you that it may vary in difference places.
Using visa online is the best solution for whom travel by air to Vietnam and this kind of serve surely will save your
time as well as your money.
You can get more information about Vietnam visa on arrival from those who has experienced in the link below :